Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Hair...to have or not to have?

Okay so here's a big question I pondered a lot last year: What is it about hair?

I shaved my head for the first time over a year ago. I confess the second I saw myself in the mirror I regretted it. What had I done? How could I be beautiful without my curls?

Then I got over myself. The truth is I love my shaved head! I consider it a practice of simplicity and a practice of self love.

The interesting thing is the conversations that I started to have around femininity and long hair. How did this correlation even begin? What is it that makes us associate long hair with the ultimate in feminine beauty. It's true that from time to time short hair styles are in vogue, but for the most part in white American culture long hair is preferred for woman.

When I cut my hair short in college after having grown it out for several years I heard mostly positive comments except for guy friend who said, "but you were so beautiful with long hair." I don't understand the obsession.

This is not to say that I think long hair is unattractive, I just wonder what gives it superiority.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Why a blog?

Well the title really says most of it. I process aloud all the time. Anyone who has ever lived with me can confirm this. So I hope this blog to first of all be a space where I can give my house mates a little relief from my constant stream of thought...and instead inflict it upon all of you.

I have a live journal from high school that has become a place to whine about my singleness and general discontent. It serves a purpose I admit, but that is not what I want this blog to be. I hope to write about questions I have, the work I do, and whatever else comes to mind.

Frankly I don't have much of a hook here. I am spending my second year in the Lutheran Volunteer Corps and I imagine much of what I have to say will come from that, but this is not an LVC blog.

I hope this can be a conversation as well. I'm not sure how many people will read this but I'd love you to respectfully agree or disagree with anything I post (and give me a good talking to if this blog ever gets to whiny).

Okay let the journey begin!