Sunday, October 18, 2009

Why a blog?

Well the title really says most of it. I process aloud all the time. Anyone who has ever lived with me can confirm this. So I hope this blog to first of all be a space where I can give my house mates a little relief from my constant stream of thought...and instead inflict it upon all of you.

I have a live journal from high school that has become a place to whine about my singleness and general discontent. It serves a purpose I admit, but that is not what I want this blog to be. I hope to write about questions I have, the work I do, and whatever else comes to mind.

Frankly I don't have much of a hook here. I am spending my second year in the Lutheran Volunteer Corps and I imagine much of what I have to say will come from that, but this is not an LVC blog.

I hope this can be a conversation as well. I'm not sure how many people will read this but I'd love you to respectfully agree or disagree with anything I post (and give me a good talking to if this blog ever gets to whiny).

Okay let the journey begin!


  1. Hi Michelle it's your sister. Hey you started a blog too. Okay I've been at it for almost a year now, I've just kept it to myself. If you want to find some cool blogs to read just check out my profile and look at the ones I follow.

  2. Oh Wonderful! Thank you for sharing this with me.Would you mind if I listed your blog as one that I follow or do you prefer to keep it private?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Go ahead and list it. I always appreciate readers.

  5. hi. you will probably see that i am one of your "followers", and realize you do not know me, and think i am creepy. i sort of am, but in my defense, i found you through one of dani reis's facebook photos. i love your blog already:)
